Friday, May 28, 2010

Is coming FIFA World Cup "South Africa 2010 ... know this event as "The World Cup."
Gradually it comes to the protagonists: the selections, players, coaches, referees, stadiums, South Africa, the host country.
Some appoint Zakumi ... Do you know who is it, what does, how did it arise?
El Portal Ceibal invites you to meet Zakumi.
Sign in here. To read more about it just click view more.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Ceibal plan participate in the South American Summit Ministerial Authorities "Technology Leadership in Education" to be held in Punta del Este, on June 3 and 4, 2010.
This is a South American Meeting of Ministerial Education Authorities in which participation of Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay.
It is organized by Mobile Learning Institute (MLI), patrocinadopor Pearson Foundation and Nokia, and aims to "create areas of discussion about how digital practices can transform the way young people learn and actively participate in the community."
Press "More" if you want to know more about it.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Today I was playing a game that teaches you how to add, subtract and multiply I think it's a good game for young children to learn. If u want to go and play the game just go here.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Activities that can be done from the XO framed in a work unit on the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.
They permit the integration of pupils of the initial level to the upper classes, and even the community and family.
Material sent by the Master Plan to invigorate the Finno Ceibal Adriana Maria Di Donato, Canelones West.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Today I was working on my computer and I was reading how to make a blog in Ceibal if you want to know how to make a blog in Ceibal just go here.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Is Back ... Ceibal Account!

Ceibal Account:

"A picture is ... a story."
Competition 2nd. Edition - 2010

New: The work will be in pairs.
Story: In no more than 200 words
Delivery: June 21
Participants: Uruguayan Uruguayans and 6 years and older in four categories.
Participation will be in groups of 2.
You can invite a family member or a friend (a) for this challenge.
Categories and prizes:
Category 1 - 6-11 years - two portable music players
Category 2 - 12-15 years - two portable music players
Category 3 - 16-18 years - 2 digital cameras
Category 4 to 19 years and older - 2 digital cameras
The authors of the best story in each category will each receive the corresponding prize.
The court may decide indications for each category.
Results: In the current month of July.
Click to see more and access to databases and photographs.
The story will be sent as an attachment via e-mail
The Portal Content Area Ramiro Rodriguez thanked the sale of these photographs.

Choose only one of the three pictures here: 1 - 2 - 3

Competition Bases Ceibal Account
To learn more about short story go here.

Remember: the fonts on the XO are other names.
The more closely resembles Arial is DejaVu Sans LGC. What you select in the menu on the writing activity, next to the size, at the top.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Do you remember Ceibal Account?
The time went flying it was a year ago!
The challenge was to create a story with 200 words, taking into account one of the photos suggested.
Between May and June 2009, we received over 200 stories, involve large and small, from cities and towns across the country and even neighboring countries like Paraguay.
We share with you the stories highlighted by their creativity and careful production.
To see more about it Click here to enter.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Today I was playing a game, in the Ceibal site just go here and you are doing to be were the games are. that ask you question and if you get the correct answer you move up 2 spaces, if you want to play it just go to Pirate Search, that's the name of the game. Is really fun, this game test your mentality.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Today when I went in to the site Portal Ceibal, There was a article that ask you this questions like What do we reason? When we say that there is proportion? You know the rule of three? These concepts are very useful as it addresses various situations of everyday life.
Sign in here.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Today on the site Portal Ceibal, I was reading about the entry of the XO in the classroom, has changed the relationship of teacher and parents of children with learning and has also boosted the ratio of all these agents. The teachers often wonder how to use the laptop is not a tool, but to advance the autonomy of the student and make the true protagonist of their learning. In this work the teachers of School No. 110, "Joaquín Suárez" in the city of Canelones: Liliana Umpiérrez, Sylvia Cabrera, Estela Tarantelli and Mary Berriel show, from their work with children, different strategies to promote these objectives. I think that is a good thing that the teacher work side by side with the students.